En finir avec les idées fausses sur la psychiatrie et la santé mentale (Putting an end to misconceptions about psychiatry and mental health).
ISBN: 978-2-7082-4570-9.
Éditeur: L’Atelier.
Date of publication: 15/09/2022.

Preconceived ideas about mental health and psychiatry are present in everyday life. Despite relative spotlighting by the media since the COVID pandemic, mental health and psychological disorders remain largely unknown to the general public, fluctuating between fascination, fantasy, taboo and repulsion. However, one in five people are affected during their lifetime. So, mental health is everyone’s business. The World Health Organization has also made this its priority area of action.
Through a combination of clinical, sociological, historical, psychological, philosophical and biological approaches, this book puts into perspective the place of mental health in our society. This book proposes to deconstruct 70 preconceived ideas about mental health and psychiatry to break away from clichés. Its content is presented as supported, concise and accessible information that will allow everyone to view mental disorders differently and put the place of mental health in our society into perspective. This book is a valuable tool for informing and raising awareness about mental health, defending yourself against prejudice, sparking discussions, removing taboos.
The work was co-written with a collective of authors, health researchers and clinicians, including Thierry Baubet, Jean-Victor Blanc, Gaspard Bouhallier, Jean-Del Burdairon, Christophe Debien, Faustine Denis, Mickael Ehrminger, Julien Eyike, Charlotte Geindre, David Gourion, Pierre Grandgenèvre, Claire Jaffré, Geoffrey Marcaggi, Célie Massini, Nathalie Pauwels, Noël Pommepuy, Alexandre Ribeiro, Sarah Smadja, Héloïse Young, and Dafna Waintrater.
This book was published with the support of the National Federation of Psychiatric User Associations (Fédération Nationale des Association d’Usagers en Psychiatrie – FNAPSY), the National Union of Families and Friends of Sick and/or Mentally Disabled People (UNAFAM), Argos 2001, the Schizophrénies Collective, PositiveMinders, as well as the Sisley Foundation.