


  • Ça va pas la tête by Les Éditions de l’Atelier – 7 episodes – “Ça va pas la tête” – Le podcast sur la santé mentale (“You’re crazy!” – The mental health podcast) with Astrid Chevance, Christelle Tissot, and Jean-Del Burdairon. 17/11/2022 – 05/01/2023.
  • The right words: misconceptions on mental health ( “Les mots justes – Idées reçues sur la santé mentale”) – Les Maux Blues by Mickael Ehrminger – S2 Episode HS4 – with Astrid Chevance, Héloïse Young and Claire Jaffré. 15/09/22.
  • Les Transformateurs by Lowpital – Episode 21 – Astrid Chevance. 16/02/2022.
  • Expertes à la Une by Christelle Chiroux – Episode 5 – Dr Astrid Chevance « Avec la crise sanitaire, la santé mentale des français va être mise à mal ! » (Dr Astrid Chevance “With the health crisis, the mental health of the French will be in jeopardy!”). 05/11/2020.


  • Et toi, ça va ?” (“How are you?”): a short-movie on depression.
  • Utter us is a smartphone video game on the theme of gynecological diseases developped during a Hackaton organized by ComPaRe.





Chaire de Philosophie à l’Hôpital (The chair of philosophy at the hospital).
The chair of philosophy at the hospital is a hospital-academic system which is deployed in different hospital and care locations and attached to the Humanities and Health chair of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. I organised and lead the following thematic seminars at L’Hôpital Sainte Anne:

