About me

I’m an assistant professor in Public Health at Université Paris-Cité and the Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP) since 2021. I obtained a PhD in Public Health – Clinical Epidemiology in 2020. I was trained as a psychiatrist (MD) until 2022, with four full years of clinical practice, and additional training as a cognitive-behavioural therapist (Academic Diploma 2016).

Before medical school, I was trained in social sciences at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (former student BL 2006) where I obtained the Agrégation externe in history (competitive degree). I have also completed a master in Sociology-Demography (2011), a masters in Biostatistics and Clinical Research (2016) and a master’s in Bioethics and Research ethics (2020).

I have been fortunate to receive several prizes for my PhD work, including:

  • L’Oréal-UNESCO – Young Talent Prize for Women in Science (2020)
  • Chancellerie des Universités de Paris – Thesis Prize in Epidemiology (2021).
  • French Congress of Psychiatry – 1st Prize for Best psychiatric publications for Junior clinicians (2021).
  • European Psychiatric Association – Young Researcher Prize (2021).
  • Union Nationale de Familles et Amis de Personnes Malades et/ou Handicapées psychiques (UNAFAM) – Research Prize (2022).
  • L’Encephale – best publication award 2021.

For me, research is a team process, and there’s no point in being creative alone. My team has made me into what I am today and I’m lucky to work with amazing people across France, as well as internationally.
I’ve been part of the METHODS team of the Center for Research in Epidemiology and Statistics (CRESS) at the Hotel-Dieu Hospital in Paris since 2016. The METHODS team aims to develop novel methods to evaluate the effectiveness of healthcare interventions for chronic diseases. I was the first psychiatrist to join this team working with collaborators from all areas of medicine. The CRESS is a superstructure encompassing 7 teams studying the epidemiology of chronic diseases for a wide range of patients. To learn more about METHODS and the CRESS.

Supervision and co-supervision

Current PhD candidates:

  • Christopher Veal – PhD in Clinical Epidemiology – Enhancing the translation of evidence-based research by facilitating the measurement of patient-relevant outcomes: the example of the development of a Core Outcome Set for Depression, ED393 Université Paris Cité, METHODS team, CRESS (INSERM UMR 1143), 2024-2027 (Co-supervision with Pr Viet-Thi Tran). Chris has a PhD Grant by the IDEX Université Paris-Cité.
  • Etienne K. Duranté – PhD in Clinical Epidemiology – Developing methods for comparative effectiveness evaluations of digital interventions in mood disorder. ED393, Université Paris Cité, METHODS team, CRESS (INSERM UMR 1143), 2023-2026 (Co-supervision with Pr Philippe Ravaud). Etienne has a PhD Grant « Poste Accueil Inserm » by the National Institute for Medical Research.

Member of the Thesis Advisory Committee

  • Chris Djurtoft – PhD in Public Health – Developing a Core Outcome Set for chronic pain, Aasborg University, Danemark, 2023-2026 (Dir. Michael Skovdal Rathleff).
  • Samy Kozlowitz – PhD Medicine – Mental pain as psychopathology: a phenomenological account in the transition-age youth, Faculté de médecine de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium, 2023-2026 (Dir. Charles KORNREICH, Véronique DELVENNE)

Current Master 2 Research candidates

  • 2024-2025 Blandine Thibout, Master CER (Comparative Effectiveness Research), Université Paris Cité.
  • 2024-2025 Gregor Stolte, Master CER, Université Paris Cité.

Former Master candidates

  • 2023-2024 Clara Mebazaa – Characterizing the functional impact and disability associated with depressive disorders. Master CER, Université Paris Cité.
  • 2023-2024 Gregor Stolte – Identifying the best methods to select outcomes for COS: a survey of experts in the field of social choice theory. Master Human Decision, Maastricht University.
  • 2022-2023 – Alexandre Ribeiro – Methods to elicit patients’ preferences in health research: a critical systematic review. Master CER, Université Paris Cité, METHODS team, CRESS lab (INSERM UMR 1143).
  • 2022-2023 – Audrey Adjovi – Semantical studies of adjectives characterising the expression of pain in the Frantext corpus. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, CRESS lab (INSERM UMR 1143), (co-supervision with Anne Kupsc).
  • 2022-2023 – Etienne K. Duranté – Evidence synthesis of candidate biomarkers of mental pain. MPH, Université Paris Saclay, METHODS team, CRESS lab (INSERM UMR 1143).
  • 2022-2023 – Solène Dupuis-Lesavre – Measuring positive emotions in cohorts of patients with mood disorders : a systematic review.
  • 2021-2022 – Christopher Veal – Outcomes measures in depression trials: a systematic review of trials registries. Master CER, Université Paris Cité,10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00438-8
  • 2019-2020 – Brune du Marais – Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. École Normale Supérieure, EHESS (co-supervision with Pr Florence Weber).

Thesis of Doctor of Medicine

  • 2023-2024 – Alexandre Ribeiro
  • 2023-2024 – Clara Mebazaa
  • 2022-2023 – Etienne Duranté
  • 2020-2021 – Camille Charvet – How to measure mental pain: a systematic review. 10.1136/ebmental-2021-300350
  • 2020-2021 – Tiphaine Cruanes – Impact of Depression on the family : an ethnographic approach.